Having auto protection is the best way to cushion your finances in case of emergencies and unforeseeable events that happen. But in most cases, people often see it as an extra burden which they think dissipates into thin air.
To make the issue about auto insurance claims clear, auto insurance claims rose by about 32.1% in the years from 2005 to 2013 alone, and the numbers are growing every year. This just proves that every premium paid goes into ensuring the vehicle is maintained, and the burden on the car owner’s part is lessened.
And considering that newer car models are much more expensive because a minor bumper replacement now includes replacement of any attaching camera and sensors, the need to have an auto coverage far becomes a greater need.
Reasons Why People are Afraid of Getting an Auto Insurance
Though auto insurance keeps everything in check, many still misunderstand the benefits and how it can be advantageous in cases of sudden breakdowns and minor yet expensive repairs. A shed load of a story will not undermine the fact that people commonly mistake auto insurance as just a dealership ploy to rip money off new car owners.
On the other side of the spectrum, auto insurance all boils down to money and how it will affect a family’s daily expenditure. While this can be just momentary, most people are unaware of the long-term benefits of car insurance.
Insurance benefits are based on risk pools, and car owners can take advantage of their claims benefits on the onset their protection plans are instituted. Coverage does not mean the insurance carrier has to accumulate enough funds for a car owner’s coverage and for him to take advantage of the benefits. Filing a claim can be outright, provided the repair or service is enclosed within the service contract, and the policy is in effect.
Several issues about how hard filing a claim has been circulated in mainstream media, making people hesitant about the service. While issues like these are unavoidable with some dubious auto insurance providers, there are companies who have bettered their services to provide policyholders with quality assistance.
Making a Difference with Liberty Auto
While there have been many reports about insurance providers veering claims away and giving policy owners a hard time, there are reliable companies who are built in providing uninterrupted service. Liberty Auto has been a trusted name in the auto insurance industry and stands by their guarantee of giving every American the peace of mind when untoward emergencies happen.
Unlike other service providers asking for a barrage of information, filing a claim with Liberty Auto has never been complicated. A policyholder can request the dealership or repair facility to call the Customer Hotline, and the Service Contract can be used for whatever covered repairs are needed.
Liberty Auto also provides some value-added services including car rentals in cases when the vehicle needs to stay at the repair facility overnight. Rental reimbursements are also included depending on the benefits stated under your Service Contract.
Other value-added benefits include roadside assistance for unexpected car breakdowns and lockout assistance in cases when a car owner accidentally locks the keys inside. What makes Liberty Auto different from other service providers are an unlimited number of claims a policyholder can use.
Liberty Auto also has national coverage which can be helpful especially when a vehicle suddenly breaks down during long trips. A policyholder can simply request an affiliated repair facility call the insurance provider and everything will be settled from the backend of the service. Auto coverage is also transferable which can be used to increase the vehicle’s resale value.
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