A collision estimator will look at a car and examine it after it has been in an accident. They will look at the car and determine how much money the insurance company should payout. They will prevent fraudulent claims and will help determine if a vehicle is totaled. They can work at a coach repair center or an auto body shop. Some of them will even go to the home of the clients to assess the damage. There is some education and training needed to become a collision estimator.
Earn a Degree
Many employers want someone that has an associate’s degree in the field of collision repair. There are some general classes they will need to take including coursework in English, math, and some form of writing course. There will also need to be automotive courses taken such as automobile structure, damage analysis, and other auto-related classes. This will show a person has the education and the experience that is needed to work in the field.
Get Experience
It is important to get on the job training or an internship. It is best to shadow a collision estimator with experience to learn more about the field. This is one of the most important things when it comes to working.
Find Employment
There are many places where a person with a degree in collision estimation can find employment. They should look at an auto shop or can check out a coach repair center. They can also check with their insurance company and show them that they have experience and certification. Most companies want estimators to have at least two years’ experience so they may need to take some extra steps to prove they have the skills for the job.
Additional Training
To get ahead in the field it is important to have additional training and experience. Collision estimators should get additional certifications. They can look at the National Institute for Automotive Service Excellence. There are some additional certification courses that are related to collision estimating that a person can take. They can take these exams and other exams dealing with estimating to improve their appeal to employers.
Car Training
Some employers may look for people with Inter-Industry Conferences on Auto Collision Repair training. There are three different course levels and many related topics to study. This can make an applicant stand out when they are looking for a career in collision estimation. This will show that a person has additional training and they are dedicated to their career.
Continuing Education
There is additional training that a person can take to make them look better to employers. There are plenty of continuing education classes that are out there that will make a person appealing to an employer. Collision estimators that have advanced education and training have a better chance of getting a job. They also have a higher chance of seeing an increase in their earnings. They may also be eligible for a supervisory position. They can also advance their career and will have a better chance of becoming a valued member of the team.
When a person is looking for a career as a collision estimator there are some things that they must do. They need to have the training and education to provide that they have the skills needed to do this job. Once a person has the experience and has shown that they have the education they can have a good career as a collision estimator.
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